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Creativity takes courage.
~ Henri Matisse
During one of my yoga classes my instructor was guiding us to find more freedom in a leg stretch. She said, “Find space…where you find space you will find freedom to move and then bring yourself further.” When she said that, I though, “Gee… isn’t that the truth in so many things in life!”~ Henri Matisse
By simplifying and and having less clutter and complication in our lives it is so much easier to find space to be creative and to expand.
Consider some of these ideas to find creative space in your life...
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Free Yourself of Regret
I do my best to maintain positive relationships with people but there are still some relationships that I constantly struggle to resolve deep negative feelings towards them. The only answer that I can think of is to simply do the right thing and act in a way that I would never regret. Treat people with respect and have faith that one day the answer may present itself as to what I am supposed to learn from the relationship.
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Forgiving is such a wonderful relief. Instead of holding a grudge or anger, you forgive and get to be free. Forget about keeping tabs on who is most right or who is “one-up”. Who cares if someone else thinks they’ve won or that they are better than you. Take this opportunity to strengthen your will and your sense of self and find solace in the positive person that you are.
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Purge what you don’t need
Purging your things and purging negative relationships work the same way. Start small by only working on one section of a room or one area of your life at a time. Like your relationships at work or one closet. Don’t try to tackle everything at once. Eventually that area of your life with transform to what you intend. At least by starting, you will be on your way to finishing.
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Free yourself by limiting the amount of time you expose yourself to negative people
The benefits of this are obvious. Negative people sap your energy and entice you into participating in their negative ideas. The problem is, once you get into the habit of talking badly it only weighs you down. What more, you will judge yourself in the same way. This will feed paranoia and squash the opportunity for relationships to develop freely without judgment. If you have no choice but to have to interact with negative people, picture yourself like a river and let the ideas simply pass you. Don’t hold onto them in and internalize them.
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Rest your mind and your body. Like Deepak Chopra says, allow your body to do whatever it wants. You may find yourself drifting off to sleep, passing some ideas or hopefully going into a peaceful meditative state. Resting your mind give your spirit a chance to rest and (metaphorically) stretch it’s legs and connect again. Give yourself this gift of a little bit of time.
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How do you create space in your day-to-day life?