Designed by: Karen Viloria-Miguel
Materials Needed:
US N/10 mm crochet hook
6 Super Bulky or 5 Bulky Yarn
Optional: Satin ribbon
This baby blanket is worked in rows with outer edging. Two different colours of yarn can be used. One for the inside colour and another for the outside edge colour. Turning chains do not count as a stitch. We turn the work at every row except on the edging rows.
Herringbone half double crochet (hhdc): Yarn over, insert hook into stitch, yarn over, pull through stitch and one loop, yarn over, pull through two loops.
Hbdc - Herringbone double crochet (hbdc): Yarn over, insert hook into stitch, yarn over, pull through stitch and one loop, yarn over, ch1, yarn over, pull through two loops.
Special Stitches:
Special Cluster (sp-cluster): All in the same stitch [sc, hhdc, hbdc]
Corner-Cluster (cor-cl): All in the same stitch [2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc]
Blanket Body:
Using Diamond Ecstasy or bulky weight yarn size 5 or 6.
Sl knot, ch 50
Row 1: 1 sc in 2nd ch from hook (counts as first stitch in sp-cluster), 1 hhdc, 1 hbdc in same st. *Skip next 2 ch. Sp-cluster in next st [1 sc, 1 hhdc, 1 hbdc]* repeat until 3 ch remain, sk 2 ch, 1 sc in last ch.
Row 2: Ch 1. Turn. Sc in same st. *Sk 2 st. Sp-cluster in previous row sc [1 sc, 1 hhdc, 1 hbdc]. Rep across. 1 sc in previous row’s starting sc.
Row 3 – 34: (or until desired length or 29” long): Rep row 2.
Fasten off first colour and/or join alternate edge colour.
Row 1: In the last sc of the final blanket row join alternate colour.
Corner 1: Ch 4 (counts as 1 dc and 1 ch of cor-cl), 2 dc in same st as the ch 4. 1 dc in every sc evenly down the length of the blanket.
Corner 2: Cor-cl (2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc in same st). 1 dc in every ch evenly across the width of the blanket.
Corner 3: Cor-cl (2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc in same st). 1 dc in every sc evenly up the length of the blanket.
Starting Corner (Corner 1): 1 dc same sc as the starting Ch 4. Sl st in 3rd ch to join.
Row 2: Sl st into chain 1 sp. Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc), 1 dc in same st, ch 1, 2 dc in same st. 1 dc in every dc down the length of the blanket.
Corner 1: Cor-cl (2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc in previous row ch 1 sp). 1 dc in every dc evenly across the width of the blanket.
Corner 2: Cor-cl (2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc in previous row ch 1 sp). 1 dc in every dc evenly across the width of the blanket.
Corner 3: Cor-cl (2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc in same st). 1 dc in every sc evenly across the width of the blanket.
Final Corner (Corner 1): Sl st into the top of the 3rd chain in the cor-cl.
Pull the working yarn through the loop, tighten and fasten off.
Weave in ends.
Also, enjoy this step-by-step video.
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